Autoptimize: no more broken pages due to CSS/ JS not found!

When cached HTML links to deleted Autoptimized CSS/ JS the page is badly broken … no more with a new (experimental) option in AO27 to use fallback CSS/ JS which I just committed on the beta branch on GitHub.
For this purpose Autoptimize hooks into template_redirect and will redirect to fallback Autoptimized CSS/ JS if a request for autoptimized files 404’s.
For cases where 404’s are not handled by WordPress but by Apache, AO adds an ErrorDocument directive in the .htaccess-file redirecting to wp-content/autoptimize_404_handler.php. Users on NGINX or MS IIS or … might have to configure their webserver to redirect to wp-content/autoptimize_404_handler.php themselves though, but those are smart cookies anyway, no?
If you want to test, you can download Autoptimize 2.7 beta here and replace 2.6 with it.

Code snippet to block author pages

So you can remove the author-pages with an author.php file in your (child) theme, but what if you don’t want to touch the theme you ask? Well, I just added this code snippet to two of the sites I manage to stop user-enumeration (which can be done on any WordPress site by going to /index.php?author=1):

function no_author_page() {
  if (is_author()) {
    global $wp_query;
    status_header( 404 );
    get_template_part( 404 );

Disclaimer: the bulk of above code was shamelessly copy/ pasted from