Fun with caching in PHP with APC (and others)

After installing APC, I looked through the documentation on and noticed 3 interesting functions with regards to session-independent data caching in PHP;

When talking about caching, apc_delete might not be that important, as apc_store allows you to set the TTL (time to live) of the variable you’re storing. If you try to retrieve a stored variable which exceeded the TTL, APC will return FALSE, which tells you to update your cache.
All this means that adding 5 minutes worth of caching to your application could be as simple as doing;

if (($stringValue=apc_fetch($stringKey)) === FALSE) {
$stringValue = yourNormalDogSlowFunctionToGetValue($stringKey);

From a security point-of-view however (esp. on a shared environment) the APC-functions should be considered extremely dangerous. There are no mechanisms to prevent a denial of service; everyone who “does PHP” on a server can fill the APC-cache entirely. Worse yet, using apc_cache_info you can get a list of all keys which you in turn can use to retrieve all associated values, meaning data theft can be an issue as well. But if you’re on a server of your own (and if you trust all php-scripts you install on there), the APC-functions can be sheer bliss!
And off course other opcode caching components such as XCache and eAccelerator offer similar functionality (although it’s disabled by default in eAccelerator because of the security concerns).