A couple of days ago the redesigned Facebook website was launched and I guess around the same time they also pushed a new versions of their 2 mobile sites to their production servers.
With the redesign, the “low-end” m.facebook.com seems to have stayed more or less the same. One could argue that it did not need to change, as it had all a mobile user could wish for. But the same could not be said of the “high-end” version on iphone.facebook.com, which offered not more but less functionality than little m. But that ragged iphone is gone and the new high-end mobile site, which lives on touch.facebook.com, now finally provides high-end functionality as well. A couple of screenshots, for the visually oriented (compare with previous printscreens of the old iphone-site here):
Although I miss the status-info that previously was displayed on the friends-page, this redesign in general is spot on! It incorporates many of the features that one would expect from one of the most popular mobile platfoms in the world. You can finally “like”, comment and see who already did, there’s a nice red notification-icon in the top left corner (for comments only, “likes” don’t seem to trigger a notification), you’ve got access to your Facebook phonebook (now if only there was an “export” functionality as well, loosen up Mark, it’s our data to begin with) and to the pages you subscribed to as well.
So congrats Facebook, a job well done. Makes me wonder, why would one even bother installing that official Android Facebook app?