The specs for Android 2.0 were just released and whaddaya know;
Support for HTML5:
- Database API support, for client-side databases using SQL.
- Application cache support, for offline applications.
- Geolocation API support, to provide location information about the device.
tag support in fullscreen mode.
Great, no more fiddling with Gears just for Android’s sake. Let’s hope they adhere to the relevant html5–specs the same way Apple does, so you don’t need to do differentiate between iPhone os3 and android 2.0 when creating offline-capable web-apps!
Off course there’s more than just html5 in this new Android version, here’s a short video showing some of the changes in Eclair:
A personal message for HTC to finish this blogpost: feel free to skip Android 1.6 to focus on using 2.0 as the basis for my Hero‘s next rom update 🙂