I uploaded a new version of WP YouTube Lyte to the WordPress SVN repository earlier today. The markdown parser seems to be in a bad mood today and the changes in the readme.txt (the changelog, first and foremost) aren’t visible, so here’s what’s new in this release:
- you can now change player size from the default one (as proposed by Edward Owen); httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SQkWbRublY#stepSize=-2 or httpv://youtu.be/_SQkWbRublY#stepSize=+1 will change player size to one of the other available sizes in your choosen format (4:3 or 16:9)
- added a smaller 16:9 size and re-arranged player sizes on the options-screen
- Bugfix: changed lyte-div ID to force it to be xhtml-compliant (ID’s can’t start with a digit, hat tip: Ruben of ytuquelees.net
- Bugfix: added version in js-call to avoid caching issues (lyte-min.js?ver=0.8.1) as experienced by some users and reported by Ryan of givemeshred.com
- Upgrade to the “bonus feature” to fix things (consider this beta though)
- Languages: added Hebrew (by Sagive SEO) and Catalan (by Ruben of ytuquelees.net) translations and added completed Spanish version (thanks to Paulino Brener from Social Media Travelers)
- tested succesfully on WordPress 3.3 (beta 2)
The (slightly smaller) lyte-embedded YouTube video to go with this release: “She wants” by Metronomy (very Japan-esque by the way):
As always, your feedback is welcome in the comments or via the contact form!