I Guess I first heard Fela Kuti a couple of years ago on a Gilles Peterson show. Just now KCRW played My Morning Jacket’s version of “Trouble Sleep”, there’s also a nice version by Taj Mahal & Baaba Maal and the original version is here. But eventually I stumbled on this video of a Fela concert in Germany from 1978, which I think you should really see and hear;
Month: July 2014
Uploaded to Our Tube; IDRchitecture remixed by Nathan Fake
I love to listen to DJ-sets which are made for the radio (or the web) instead of the dancefloor. The music tends to be a lot more diverse if the DJ isn’t focused on keeping the crowd in the groove. Soundcloud is a treasure trove for such DJ sets and a couple of months ago I bookmarked Nathan Fake’s 6 mix as aired on BBC Radio 6 in December 2012.
Great stuff, but there was one track that I specifically enjoyed listening to; an unreleased remix of (Sign of the Fish) by IDRchitecture. I didn’t know the band, didn’t know the song -which reminds me of The Chills, somehow-, but the clicks and ticks in this remix are just mesmerizing.
So now it is on YouTube as well;
WP DoNotTrack whitelist & WordPress/ Jetpack stats
Although the number of pageviews of this blog already decreased from approx. 2100 pageviews per week before mid May to 1300 pv/week after (I never thought I’d ever be hit by a Panda), yesterday was an absolute disaster. Turns out that Automattic changed the domain of the Jetpack stats tracking pixel to pixel.wordpress.com, which WP DoNoTrack (for which I pushed out a small update in May) blocked as that domain was not whitelisted. The downside of white- instead of blacklisting.
Terug uit Kreta
Erg van een weekje verlof in Kreta genoten. Het was er wel heel erg warm, er zaten tientallen oorverdovende krekels rond het zwembad en het landschap was betrekkelijk dor.
Maar ik heb een fantastisch boek gelezen (“Het Puttertje” van Donna Tartt), heb me op mijn 45-ste eindelijk over mijn angst om in een zwembad te duiken heen kunnen zetten (al was het nog geen schoonspringen) en genoot er van om elke dag naar de winkel te fietsen; bijna 4km kilometer bergaf, een dubbele espresso aan de zee, wat eten kopen en dan weer 4km zwetend, puffend maar uiteindelijk zegevierend bergop.
En met vrouw en dochter in en aan het zwembad hangen en ‘s avonds samen lekker gaan eten, hoe ontspannend kan een vakantie zijn?
Music from Our Tube; Song for Horace Silver’s father
Jazz-pianist and composer Horace Silver passed away a couple of weeks ago. This is a long, swinging live-version of one of his best-known tunes, Song for my Father. I’ll let him explain the origin;