I just released WP YouTube Lyte 1.6, featuring the following changes:
- allow WP YouTube Lyte to use YouTube API v3, which requires authentication (while keeping API v2 with anonymous access in place)
- updated player UI by Draikin, great job!
- support for non-default plugins dirs
- Added Slovenian translation by [Mitja Mihelič or arnes.si](http://arnes.si) and updated Dutch & French translations
Proof the new player UI looks great;
If you’re struggling to get a Google API key; there’s extensive information in the FAQ on the why, what & how. WP YouTube Lyte will automatically fall back to the old anonymous API v2 if you don’t provide a key. As API v2 will continue to work for a couple of more weeks, all will be fine. I am, in the mean time, working on a separate plugin that will automatically provide an API key for WP YouTube Lyte to use (and which in the future might offer other extra’s). You can contact me if you would be interested in test-driving that service-plugin.