100k active Autoptimize installs. Thanks! September 16, 2015 by futtta When I compare that to the numbers from feb. 28th 2015 … Optimizing Matters to a lot of people!
Hi Frank, These numbers just go on to show how much you care about your code and polish it in every possible way so that the the users get the best possible experience. Keep up the good work. And I also hope that the users of this plugin or any other plugin for that matter act a bit more sensibly. I mean I have seen people install a plugin, if it does not work for them on the first go, then they just login to the plugin page, give lowest possible rating and walk off, instead of giving some clues to the developer in the support forum regarding the kind of issues they are facing. Why people don’t understand a simple thing… no piece of code in this world was/is perfect. It becomes more and more trouble free and functional only through the active participation of the developer and the users. Reply
Morning Rudra 🙂I mean I have seen people install a plugin, if it does not work for them on the first go, then they just login to the plugin page, give lowest possible rating and walk off, instead of giving some clues to the developer in the support forum regarding the kind of issues they are facing.I don’t have a lot of those I’m glad to say. 2 in August, 1 in June, … I’m going to add links to the FAQ and the support forum on the admin page of the next AO-version, that should help to keep those numbers down. Reply
Hi Frank, you do it right – blogging, support forum, new versions (last one 3 days old). I predict Autoptimize bright future! 😉 Reply