Bringing Autoptimize 2.0 (beta) to a Christmas-tree near you

While over the last couple of months Autoptimize was quietly picking up users to reach 100.000 active installations, work was ongoing on the next version, the magical 2.0 (the PowerUps mentioned here before are still on the roadmap, albeit with some delay as I want AO 2.0 out first). Yesterday I uploaded what I consider to be the first Beta of Autoptimize 2.0 to the plugin repository and before inviting you to download & test this release I think this is the ideal moment to document some of the changes in that new version. Here goes;

  • Option to (de-)activate aggregation of inline JS and CSS which would allow to fix or prevent some of the recurring problems people have with AO (I’ll post a follow-up post on this with more info soon).
  • Option to remove Google Fonts (special request from my favorite user who obviously doesn’t like (Google) Fonts and who is too lazy to just dequeue them).
  • On average 30% faster minification (I’ll spill the beans on how that was done and what this implies in a later blogpost)!
  • Cache-size will be checked daily and a notice will be shown on your wp-admin pages if cache size goes over 512 MB (threshold can be changed using a filter).
  • Small autoptimized CSS (e.g. some print CSS) will be inlined instead of linked (256 characters by default, can be changed using a filter).
  • New in API: filters to declare a JS and CSS whitelist, where only files in that whitelist are autoptimized and all others are left untouched.
  • New in API: filters to declare “removable” CSS and JS, upon which Autoptimize will simply delete that code (emoji’s for example, if you prefer not to dequeue them).
  • lots of small and bigger bugfixes, I won’t bother you with a full list but have a look at the commmit log on GitHub.

I consider the code for this version feature-complete (have to keep some things up my sleeve for later versions), but what is needed now is testing, bug-reporting, bug-fixing and more testing. And translations, if you’re into those (I already contacted some earlier contributors). You can download Autoptimize 2.0 beta here, bug-reports are more then welcome on GitHub as an issue.
I’m pretty excited about this new version, so I’m looking forward to your feedback! Who knows we can push this out before the year is over?