I just committed what I consider the last feature to be added to AO Extra; the optimization of Google Fonts, with the choice between:
- “remove”
- “aggregate and link”, where the Google Font CSS might still render-blocking but there will be no “flash of unstyled fonts”)
- “aggregate and load asynchronous with webfont.js” will not be render-blocking, but might lead to that dreaded “flash of unstyled fonts”
Next step before merging AO Extra with Autoptimize to become AO 2.3; testing. And that’s where I need your help;
- Download the AO Extra zip-file from Github
- go to Plugins -> Add New -> Upload Plugin
- Click “browse” and select the zip-file you downloaded in (1)
- Click “Install now”
- Click “Activate”
- Go to Settings -> Autoptimize -> Extra
- Test
- Give generic feedback below or file bugs in the projects Github Issues
If all goes well Autoptimize 2.3 could be release before we have to wave 2017 goodbye 🙂