Autoptimize 2.3.3 and beyond

Autoptimize 2.3.3 was just released. It is a minor release with the following minor improvements & fixes:

  • improvement: updated to latest version of Filamentgroup’s loadCSS
  • improvement: by default exclude wp-content/cache and wp-content/uploads from CSS optimization (Divi, Avada & possibly others store page-specific CSS there)
  • bugfix: stop double try/catch-blocks
  • misc. bugfixes (see GitHub commit log)

This is (supposed to be) the last minor release of the 2.3 branch, 2.4 is a major change with some big under-the-hood and functional changes. That new version has been in the works for some months already and if you’re up for it you can install by simply downloading this zip-file from GitHub. The GitHub version will also auto-update thanks to the great Plugin Update Checker library.