Hide-my-WordPress & Autoptimize compatibility glue

An “Autoptimize Critical CSS“-user saw some weirdness in how the site looked when optimized. The reason for this turned out to be not the critical CSS, but the fact that he used “Hide My WordPress Pro”, a plugin that changes well-known paths in WordPress URL’s to other paths (e.g. /wp-content/plugins -> /modules/ and /wp-content/themes -> /templates) and uses rewrite rules .htaccess to map requests to the filesystem. This resulted in Autoptimize not finding the files on the filesystem (as AO does not “see” the mapping in .htaccess), leaving them un-aggregated.
To fix something like that, a small code snippet that hooks into Autoptimize’s API can do the trick;

add_filter('autoptimize_filter_cssjs_alter_url', 'rewrite_hidemywp');
function rewrite_hidemywp($url) {
    if ( strpos( $url, 'modules/' ) !== false && strpos( $url, 'wp-content' ) === false ) {
        $url = str_replace('modules/','wp-content/plugins/', $url);
    } elseif ( strpos( $url, 'templates/' ) !== false && strpos( $url, 'wp-content' ) === false ) {
	$url = str_replace('templates/','wp-content/themes/', $url);
    return $url;

The above is just an example (as in the Pro version of hide-my-wp you can set paths of your own liking and you can even replace theme names by random-ish strings), but with a small amount of PHP-skills you should be able to work out the solution for your own site. Happy optimized hiding!

How to LYTE-n up your WooCommerce video’s

So you have a WooCommerce shop which uses YouTube video’s to showcase your products but those same video’s are slowing your site down as YouTube embeds typically do? WP YouTube Lyte can go a long way to fix that issue, replacing the “fat embedded YouTube player” with a LYTE alternative.
LYTE will automatically detect and replace YouTube links (oEmbeds) and iFrames in your content (blogposts, pages, product descriptions) but is not active on content that does not hook into WordPress’ the_content filter (e.g. category descriptions or short product descriptions). To have LYTE active on those as well, just hook the respective filters up with the lyte_parse-function and you’re good to go;

if (function_exists('lyte_parse')) {

And a LYTE video, in case you’re wondering, looks like this (in this case beautiful harmonies by David Crosby & Venice, filmed way back in 1999 on Dutch TV);

Venice & David Crosby - Guinnevere (Live on 2 Meter Sessions)

Music from Our Tube; Prisencolinensinainciusol plus ultra

So it’s probably the crazy nineties and you have Adriano Celentano in a live show joined by the young Manu Chao (then the “leader” of Mano Negra) and they perform a weird mix of “Prisencolinensinainciusol” and “King Kong 5” and they throw in an interview during the song and there’s lots of people dancing, a pretty awkward upskirt shot and general craziness.
This must (have) be(en) Italian TV, mustn’t it?