Radar, I am (still) under you October 12, 2018 by futttaSo Autoptimize did not go over 100K downloads in one day. Still flying under the radar 😉
Awesome, Frank. New user here. My site makes around 5 file requests now (and the page size is 24Kb). Autoptimize did a great job combining/minimizing HTML, JS, and CSS. Gonna write a blog post about this 🙂 Thank you. Reply
I’m surpised to see AO outperforms mod_pagespeed (Apache). With inline/combine/rewrite js/css all enabled I had ~1.25s load times. With AO it was ~1s. I don’t know how you managed to outperform server-level optimizations, but good job. Reply
So a short numbers-update for December 2018:2.4.3 went well over 100K (105 944 to be exact)the “active installations”-ticker went from 700K to 800Ktotal number of downloads crossed the 5 million mark Reply