Elementor 3.1 came with “refactored YouTube source to use YouTube API in Video widget” which resulted in WP YouTube Lyte not being able to lyten up the YouTubes any more. Below code snippet (consider it beta) hooks into Elementor to fix this regression;
add_filter( 'elementor/frontend/widget/should_render', function( $should_render, $elementor_element ) { if ( function_exists( 'lyte_preparse' ) && 'Elementor\Widget_Video' === get_class( $elementor_element ) ) { $pas = get_private_property( $elementor_element , 'parsed_active_settings'); if ( ! empty( $pas['youtube_url'] ) ) { echo lyte_preparse( $pas['youtube_url'] ); return false; } } return $should_render; }, 10, 2 ); // from https://www.lambda-out-loud.com/posts/accessing-private-properties-php/ function get_private_property( object $object, string $property ) { $array = (array) $object; $propertyLength = strlen( $property ); foreach ( $array as $key => $value ) { if ( substr( $key, -$propertyLength ) === $property ) { return $value; } } }
Hat tip to Koen for his assistance in digging into Elementor, much appreciated!