As mentioned earlier here, Google checks YouTube API usage and can cancel a project/ API key if there are no API requests for 90 days. Based on the fact that earlier post received more hits the last week and people asking on the WordPress support forum, I went back to the drawing board code editor and added logic for LYTE’s cached YouTube API responses to expire after 2 months, causing somewhat regular requests to YouTube which should keep Google happier with the API usage.
Obviously if you have page caching (which you should) this can have an impact as well, as a cached page will not result in LYTE “seeing” the request, so the cached YouTube data would not get refreshed even if older then 2 months. Then again having such aggressive page caching would likely cause other issues (nonces in forms becoming invalid and such), so I *think* the one month margin (results cached for 2 months whereas Google wants activity in 90 days) should suffice.
For those who don’t like the cache to expiry of if you want more or less then 2 months; I added 2 filters allowing you to tweak with a bit of code. Returning false
to lyte_ytapi_check_cache
will make LYTE function as before (no cache expiry) and the cache expiry threshold can be changed using the lyte_ytapi_cache_gracetime
And like blogposts concerning LYTE, here’s a video to show it action: Yves Tumor with “Gospel for a New Century”. Weird stuff I admit (you have been warned), but good weird really …
posts on with youtube embedded video.
Septemberigheid op Our Tube
September is nog steeds de mooiste maand ter wereld, dus sta me -na dat enkele jaren vergeten te zijn- toe dat te vieren met deze septemberige song van de Duitse groep Thief:
Music from our Tube: Bon Iver’s PDLIF
Generally I don’t really like sound effects on vocals, but I cannot but make an exception for Bon Iver. His latest “Please Don’t Live In Fear” is no exception!
Music from our Tube; Lianne gets Weird Fishes
I get eaten by the worms and … For 2 seconds the drums seem to announce this is just a cover but then the beat changes drastically and you’re left wondering what happened while the different vibe grows on you. You (almost) have goosebumps when the bridge happens and you stop breathing to hear it all and then, after that bridge, everything comes together and you’re floating on those familiar minor 9th chord arpeggio’s and those fabulous voices until all fades out and you hit repeat.
About Corona, Instagram and how good things can come from shit
Yesterday evening, not being able to sleep, I was going through my YouTube subscriptions and stumbled on this James Blake Corona lockdown livingroom-concert on friggin’ Instagram, of well over an hour. Goosebumps!
Music from our Tube: Andy Shauf’s Living Room
“Living Room” from Andy Shauf’s new album “Neon Skyline” is such a gem, but the music and the storytelling (lyrics in the comments on YT).
Music from Our Tube: King Krule – Alone, Omen 3
Wow …
The ache and thunder in the storms of your mind
Soak it in, for the rain will pass in time
Nothing wrong in sinking low
in the omen of paradise
You’re the ghost they put aside,
But don’t forget you’re not alone
Sometimes you’re stretched
Music from ourTube; Jeff Parker – Max Brown
Long time no Tube! Here’s Jeff Parker‘s “Max Brown” as heard on Lefto’s Earlybird show on Worldwide FM;
Music from Our Tube; Coming Home with Swindle & Kojey Radical
This old fart is happy to keep on bopping to new music such as the Brownswood (Merci Gilles) backed Swindle, here with Kojey Radical;
Music from Our Tube; Better Oblivion Community Center performs “Dylan Thomas”
Live version of a great new song by a new (super-)band by one not-so-new (Conor Oberst) and (given her age) one newish artist (Phoebe Bridgers). Somewhat reminds me of the alternative rock-scene of the nineties (Hole, Throwing Muses and whatnot) and that is a good thing!