Google Font display swap in Autoptimize?

Autoptimize 2.5.1 (out earlier this week) does not have an option to enforce font-display on Google Fonts just yet, but this little code snippet does exactly that;

function add_display($in) {
  return $in.'&display=swap';

Happy swapping (or fallback-ing or optional-ing) 🙂

How to (not) correctly load Gutenberg JS

On Facebook someone asked me how to do Gutenberg the right way to avoid loading too much JS on the frontend, this is a somewhat better organized version of my answer;
I’m not a Gutenberg specialist (for from it, really) but:

  • the wrong way is adding JS with wp-block/ wp-element and other gutenberg dependencies on init calling wp_enqueue_script,
  • the right way is either hooking into enqueue_block_editor_assets (see
  • or when using init doing wp_register_script and then register_block_type referring to the correct editor_script previously registered (see

I’ve tried both of these on a “bad” plugin and can confirm both solutions do prevent those needless wp-includes/js/dist/* JS-files from being added on the front-end.

Hide-my-WordPress & Autoptimize compatibility glue

An “Autoptimize Critical CSS“-user saw some weirdness in how the site looked when optimized. The reason for this turned out to be not the critical CSS, but the fact that he used “Hide My WordPress Pro”, a plugin that changes well-known paths in WordPress URL’s to other paths (e.g. /wp-content/plugins -> /modules/ and /wp-content/themes -> /templates) and uses rewrite rules .htaccess to map requests to the filesystem. This resulted in Autoptimize not finding the files on the filesystem (as AO does not “see” the mapping in .htaccess), leaving them un-aggregated.
To fix something like that, a small code snippet that hooks into Autoptimize’s API can do the trick;

add_filter('autoptimize_filter_cssjs_alter_url', 'rewrite_hidemywp');
function rewrite_hidemywp($url) {
    if ( strpos( $url, 'modules/' ) !== false && strpos( $url, 'wp-content' ) === false ) {
        $url = str_replace('modules/','wp-content/plugins/', $url);
    } elseif ( strpos( $url, 'templates/' ) !== false && strpos( $url, 'wp-content' ) === false ) {
	$url = str_replace('templates/','wp-content/themes/', $url);
    return $url;

The above is just an example (as in the Pro version of hide-my-wp you can set paths of your own liking and you can even replace theme names by random-ish strings), but with a small amount of PHP-skills you should be able to work out the solution for your own site. Happy optimized hiding!

Quick trick to disable Autoptimize on a page

Update 2021: no need for below “hack” anymore; you can configure Autoptimize on a per-page basis on the post/ page edit screen! See this blogpost on the metabox settings for some more info.

So suppose you have one page/ post which for whatever reason you don’t want Autoptimize to act on? Simply add this in the post content and AO will bail out;

Some extra info:

  • Make sure to use the “text”-editor, not the “visual” one as I did here to make sure the ode is escaped and thus visible
  • This bailing out was added 5 years ago to stop the PHP-generated xsl:stylesheet from Yoast SEO from being autoptmized, if I’m not mistaking Yoast generates the stylesheet differently now.
  • The xsl-tag is enclosed in a HTML comment wrapper to ensure it is not visible (except here, on purpose to escape the HTML tags so they are visible for you to see).

How to extract blocks from Gutenberg

So Gutenberg, the future of WordPress content editing, allows users to create, add and re-use blocks in posts and pages in a nice UI. These blocks are added in WordPress’ the_content inside HTML-comments to ensure backwards-compatibility. For WP YouTube Lyte I needed to extract information to be able to replace Gutenberg embedded YouTube with Lytes and I took the regex-approach. Ugly but efficient, no?
But what if you need a more failsafe method to extract Gutenberg block-data from a post? I took a hard look at the Gutenberg code and came up with this little proof-of-concept to extract all data in a nice little (or big) array:

function gutenprint($html) {
  	// check if we need to and can load the Gutenberg PEG parser
  	if ( !class_exists("Gutenberg_PEG_Parser") && file_exists(WP_PLUGIN_DIR."/gutenberg/lib/load.php") ) {
  	if ( class_exists("Gutenberg_PEG_Parser") && is_single() ) {
	  // do the actual parsing
	  $parser = new Gutenberg_PEG_Parser;
	  $result = $parser->parse(  _gutenberg_utf8_split( $html ) );
	  // we need to see the HTML, not have it rendered, so applying htmlentities
		function (&$result) { $result = htmlentities($result); }
	  // and dump the array to the screen
	  echo "<h1>Gutenprinter reads:</h1><pre>";
	  echo "</pre>";
	} else {
	  echo "Not able to load Gutenberg parser, are you sure you have Gutenberg installed?";
  	// remove filter to avoid double output
  	// and return the HTML
	return $html;

I’m not going to use it for WP YouTube Lyte as I consider the overhead not worth it (for now), but who know it could be useful for others?

Code snippet to block author pages

So you can remove the author-pages with an author.php file in your (child) theme, but what if you don’t want to touch the theme you ask? Well, I just added this code snippet to two of the sites I manage to stop user-enumeration (which can be done on any WordPress site by going to /index.php?author=1):

function no_author_page() {
  if (is_author()) {
    global $wp_query;
    status_header( 404 );
    get_template_part( 404 );

Disclaimer: the bulk of above code was shamelessly copy/ pasted from

How to add posts’ featured images to WordPress RSS feeds

The standard WordPress RSS-feeds don’t include posts featured image. Below code adds the medium-format thumbnail to each item in a RSS2 standards-compliant manner by inserting it as an enclosure.

add_action('rss2_item', 'add_enclosure_thumb');
function add_enclosure_thumb() {
  global $post;
  if(has_post_thumbnail($post->ID)) {
    $thumbUrl = get_the_post_thumbnail_url($post->ID,"medium");
    if ((substr($thumbUrl, -4) === "jpeg") || (substr($thumbUrl, -3) === "jpg")) {
    } else if (substr($thumbUrl, -3) === "png") {
    } else if (substr($thumbUrl, -3) === "gif") {
    } else {
    $thumbSize = filesize(WP_CONTENT_DIR.str_replace(WP_CONTENT_URL,'',$thumbUrl));
    echo "<enclosure url=\"".$thumbUrl."\" size=\"".$thumbSize."\" type=\"".$mimeType."\" />\n";

A more advanced & flexible approach would be to add support for the media RSS namespace, but the above suffices for the purpose I have in mind.

Firefox: how to enable the built-in tracking protection

Just read an article on BBC News that starts of with the AdBlock Plus team winning another case in a German court (yeay) and ended with a report on how Firefox also has built-in tracking protection which -for now- is off by default and is somewhat hidden. To enable it, just open about:config and set privacy.trackingprotection.enabled to true. I disabled Ghostery for now, let’s see how how things go from here.

Is your string zipped?

While looking into a strange issue on a multisite WordPress installation which optimized the pages of the main but not of the sub-blogs, I needed code to check whether a string was gzipped or not. I found this like-a-boss code-snippet on StackOverflow which worked for gzencoded strings:

$is_gzip = 0 === mb_strpos($mystery_string , "\x1f" . "\x8b" . "\x08");

But this does not work for strings compressed with gzcompress or gzdeflate, which don’t have the GZIP header data, so in the end I came up with this less funky function which somewhat brutally simply tries to gzuncompress and gzinflate the string:

function isGzipped($in) {
  if (mb_strpos($in , "\x1f" . "\x8b" . "\x08")===0) {
    return true;
  } else if (@gzuncompress($in)!==false) {
    return true;
  } else if (@gzinflate($in)!==false) {
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;

Klunky, but it works. Now if only this would confirm my “educated guess” that the original problem was due to a compressed string.