As I did a year ago for 2011, here I am looking in the mirror at my 2012 numbers and 2013 goals:
- This blog:
- 130 blogposts (78 “real” posts and 52 aggregated lifestream-events)
- 109285 pageviews, the most popular individual article being 5 tips to tackle the problem with iframes (8622 views). Off all new 2012 blogposts, Fix Samsung ICS Exchange connection errors was read most with 5727 views.
- 294 comments (including trackbacks and my own replies)
- Main goal for 2013: carry on, I guess? Maybe some more personal posts in Dutch. I’ve always loved to write in my native language, but it can be pretty time-consuming as I tend to rewrite a text multiple times before I’m OK with wording and flow (which I’m not as sensitive to in my non-native English).
- WP YouTube Lyte, my WordPress plugin to do “lazy load YouTube embedding”, is doing really well:
- 9 minor and 2 major releases including the big 1.0.0 milestone
- 66286 downloads (passing the 100.000 downloads mark in July)
- Main goal for 2013 and long overdue; responsiveness but also even better performance (less reliance on JavaScript to do heavy lifting, using less http-requests).
- Moreover, I was honored to see Yoast’s Video SEO plugin has support for WP YouTube Lyte and equally proud to be able to decline a commercial proposal to have my plugin add a link next to each and every LYTE player.
- WP DoNotTrack 2012 proved a fruitful year for my 3rd party tracking filtering plugin:
- 9 minor and 3 major releases, including features such as “SuperClean mode” and better support for “cookie law”-compliance
- Goals for 2013: having CSP in would be great, other suggestions are welcome.
2012 was also the year that I got to know Drupal & Acquia a lot better, the year my lovely daughter learned how to read, the year I grew scared of Europe’s economical & Belgium’s political future, the year I saw Radiohead live and the year I finally learned how to fly.