Omdat “2013” zo’n prachtige televisie was, omdat de muziekkeuze uitmuntend was (erg Duyster-ig eigenlijk met onder andere Apparat, Girls from Hawaii, The National, Junip en Marble Sounds) en omdat Spotify-playlists niets voor mij (en dus misschien ook niet voor U) zijn;
Muziek van Onze Buis; Zwaaien naar Eefje De Visser
In het Nederlands deze keer, Eefje De Visser met het melancholische “Ongeveer” als muzikale zusje van José González. Ontdekt dankzij “2013” op Vier, sterke televisie met een straffe muziekeuze.
Na de winter smelt de sneeuw
en als Eefje langs rijdt
dan zwaai ik
langs de wegkant
Looking at 2013 disappearing fast in the rear view mirror
Another year behind us, another overview in numbers (as done previously for 2011 and 2012).
- My blog:
- 121,971 pageviews
- 129 posts (52 lifestream items, 77 real blogposts
- 410 comments (including trackbacks and my own replies)
- busiest day was April 25th with 1,395 pageviews, due to WP Caching plugin vulnerability debrief, which was also this the most popular post written this year (3677 views)
- most popular overall: 5 tips to tackle the problem with iframes with 18063 views
- My WordPress plugins:
- WP Youtube Lyte:
- 2 major (responsive at last!) and 5 minor releases
- downloads: 49124, bringing the total to 173778
- For 2014 I have some ideas for additional functionality. I would really love to be able to make YouTube vids truly mobile-friendly as well.
- Autoptimize, my adopted OSS orphan:
- 3 major and 10 minor releases
- downloads: 54680, which was over half of the total of 100,311
- Lots of ideas for 2014, the next release will be out later this month.
- WP Donottrack:
- releases: none
- downloads: 1862 of 7697
- 2014 should bring at least one maintenance release
- WP Youtube Lyte:
On a personal note, 2013 has not been the easiest of years, but our lovely daughter’s “lentefeest” (a non-religious rite of passage for 6-year olds) and our holiday in Italy were great highlights though.
Looking in the mirror: 2012 numbers, 2013 goals
As I did a year ago for 2011, here I am looking in the mirror at my 2012 numbers and 2013 goals:
- This blog:
- 130 blogposts (78 “real” posts and 52 aggregated lifestream-events)
- 109285 pageviews, the most popular individual article being 5 tips to tackle the problem with iframes (8622 views). Off all new 2012 blogposts, Fix Samsung ICS Exchange connection errors was read most with 5727 views.
- 294 comments (including trackbacks and my own replies)
- Main goal for 2013: carry on, I guess? Maybe some more personal posts in Dutch. I’ve always loved to write in my native language, but it can be pretty time-consuming as I tend to rewrite a text multiple times before I’m OK with wording and flow (which I’m not as sensitive to in my non-native English).
- WP YouTube Lyte, my WordPress plugin to do “lazy load YouTube embedding”, is doing really well:
- 9 minor and 2 major releases including the big 1.0.0 milestone
- 66286 downloads (passing the 100.000 downloads mark in July)
- Main goal for 2013 and long overdue; responsiveness but also even better performance (less reliance on JavaScript to do heavy lifting, using less http-requests).
- Moreover, I was honored to see Yoast’s Video SEO plugin has support for WP YouTube Lyte and equally proud to be able to decline a commercial proposal to have my plugin add a link next to each and every LYTE player.
- WP DoNotTrack 2012 proved a fruitful year for my 3rd party tracking filtering plugin:
- 9 minor and 3 major releases, including features such as “SuperClean mode” and better support for “cookie law”-compliance
- Goals for 2013: having CSP in would be great, other suggestions are welcome.
2012 was also the year that I got to know Drupal & Acquia a lot better, the year my lovely daughter learned how to read, the year I grew scared of Europe’s economical & Belgium’s political future, the year I saw Radiohead live and the year I finally learned how to fly.