When cached HTML links to deleted Autoptimized CSS/ JS the page is badly broken … no more with a new (experimental) option in AO27 to use fallback CSS/ JS which I just committed on the beta branch on GitHub.
For this purpose Autoptimize hooks into template_redirect
and will redirect to fallback Autoptimized CSS/ JS if a request for autoptimized files 404’s.
For cases where 404’s are not handled by WordPress but by Apache, AO adds an ErrorDocument directive in the .htaccess-file redirecting to wp-content/autoptimize_404_handler.php
. Users on NGINX or MS IIS or … might have to configure their webserver to redirect to wp-content/autoptimize_404_handler.php
themselves though, but those are smart cookies anyway, no?
If you want to test, you can download Autoptimize 2.7 beta here and replace 2.6 with it.
Autoptimize assets: 404-s nevermore?
So for those using AO who are seeing occasional 404’s on AO’d resources and (somewhat) into code; here’s a GitHub commit that might interest you;
(More later, gotta run now)
Code snippet to block author pages
So you can remove the author-pages with an author.php file in your (child) theme, but what if you don’t want to touch the theme you ask? Well, I just added this code snippet to two of the sites I manage to stop user-enumeration (which can be done on any WordPress site by going to /index.php?author=1):
add_action('wp','no_author_page'); function no_author_page() { if (is_author()) { global $wp_query; $wp_query->set_404(); status_header( 404 ); get_template_part( 404 ); exit(); } }
Disclaimer: the bulk of above code was shamelessly copy/ pasted from https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/a/27124