So I wanted to replace a site’s (*) main title which required some fancy font (Courgette!) to be downloaded, by an SVG image.
Here’s what I did;
- make a screenshot of the node in Firefox Developer Tools -> Inspector -> select node -> click “screenshot node” in context menu
- convert the png-file into svg at result being a 6.93KB file.
- optimize the svg at resulting in a 3.1KB file (see above image) which remains crispy at whatever size.
- added the SVG as background image (not inline though, might do that next) and set “visibility” of the logo->a->h3 (which has the title in it as text) to “hidden”
- ticked Autoptimize’s “remove Google Fonts”-option (which also removed a slew of other unwanted requests for fonts)
(*) The site is my wife’s which is an offspring of her successful “De Boekenjagers” Facebook group where people hide books for others to find (hunt) and share info about that. 27 000 members and counting, proud of my Veerleken!