Of bugs and workarounds vs. root cause

My father, a retired mechanical engineer and a who’s technical skills, knowledge and passion are a big inspiration for me, always told his colleagues never to quick-fix the problem, but to look for the root cause instead.

Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

This obviously is true for software as well and remembering this good advice while walking the dogs yesterday evening stopped me from committing a finished workaround for a small bug (notices in the PHP error-log) and got me frantically error-logging left and right to try to identify the root of the problem this morning.

That root cause, as it turned out, was just a misplaced closing round bracket resulting in a combined conditional not executing correctly (I admit something silly like that should have been spotted during testing). Once identified, the fix was easily applied, improving the code and preventing extra workaround code from making things more complex.

So again: thanks dad!

Autoptimize 2.7.5; known issues

Update June 28th: 2.7.6 was released, all is (or should be) fine … 🙂

There currently are 2 known issues in Autoptimize 2.7.5 that will be fixed in the next release;

  1. when “inline & defer CSS” and “also aggregate inline CSS” are active then for logged in users the top “admin bar” might become invisible. unticking “also aggregate inline CSS” is a confirmed workaround.
  2. when “inline & defer CSS” is active, CSS-files that are not aggregated (excluded or 3rd party) and that do not have a media-attribute will not be deferred.

If you want you can download the beta of what will become 2.7.6 here and install that instead of 2.7.5 to get rid of these known issues.