WP DoNotTrack user Marco Donati asked why the plugin did not stop Quantcast from being included in the WordPress admin pages. After some research (with the kind assistance of Marco), I discovered not one but two problems;
WP DoNotTrack relies on “output buffering” in WordPress to filter/ modify the HTML when in “Forced (default)” or “SuperClean” mode. Apparently WordPress does not use output buffering in the admin-pages, so WP DoNotTrack did not get triggered. My bad! I’ve updated the code to fallback to “Normal” mode when in admin and will push out a new version with this fix soon.
But then it got slightly ugly; even with this fix in place, the Quantcast-tracker kept on appearing! It was being called from within an iFrame, outside the reach of WP DoNotTrack. The culprit turned out to be the brand new “Jetpack Notifications” feature which -as most of Jetpack- is activated by default. As from Jetpack 1.9, you’ll see a small icon next to the greeting text on the right side of the admin-bar. When you click that icon a drop-down appears which contains the iFrame and the tracking code. To disable, in “Notifications” click on “Learn more” to reveal the “Disable”-button. Click that one and the icon, iFrame and tracker code are gone. Good riddance!
My advice to Jetpack users; explicitly disable any feature you do not use. Jetpack might offer some nice functionality, but of that is available in other plugins as well and being tied in that heavily into wordpress.com does come at a price. Moreover it seems there are some security concerns; as an user with author permissions I had access to the Jetpack overview page and I was able to activate the “Jetpack Comments” feature on Marco’s blog, but I couldn’t disable it. Call me a paranoid security-zealot, but non-administrator users should not really be able to do that, should they?
Applying Javascript AOP-magic to stop 3rd party tracking in WordPress
It was always my intention to elaborate on my small donottrack plugin for WordPress, but it was only when Automattic upgraded to the new asynchronous Quantcast code that I was forced to look actually dig in.
The new Quantcast-code doesn’t use the old-fashioned document.write, but inserts the javascript asynchronously with an insertBefore on the parent of the first script-node (as popularized by the asynchronous Google Analytics-code). Variations on this method would include e.g. using appendChild or adding it to head (although that might not exist).
A couple of months ago I experimented with the DomNodeInserted event, but that isn’t supported by all browsers. And even when it works, I found no consistent way to stop the tracking script (which was already added to the DOM, as the event is triggered after) from being loaded or executed. But last week while searching for a better solution I found a reference to javascript AOP on StackOverflow and after following some links I discovered the JQuery AOP-plugin.
JQuery AOP allows one to (amongst other things) add an advice around a method. When the method is called, the advice kicks in before the execution. The advice is a function which can investigate and change the parameters used by the method. And that’s exactly what the current version of DoNotTrack does; it has AOP.around (I’ve removed the JQuery dependency) catch insertBefore and appendChild, investigates the src-attribute and replaces that value if it points to quantserve.com before allowing the method execution to proceed.
scriptParent=document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0].parentNode; aop.around( {target: scriptParent, method: /[insertBefore|appendChild]/}, function(invocation) { if ((typeof(invocation.arguments[0].src)==='string')&&((invocation.arguments[0].tagName.toLowerCase()==='script')||(invocation.arguments[0].tagName.toLowerCase()==='img'))) { if (sanitizer(invocation.arguments[0].src)===true){ invocation.arguments[0].src='javascript:return false;'; } } return invocation.proceed(); } );
I’m working on a more generic version of an AOP-based WordPress Privacy plugin now. In a first stage it will probably be based on a blacklist, that is editable in the WP Privacy options-screen but at a later date a whitelist-based approach will be added (based on an integration with webpagetest.org). Let’s add that to my New Years resolution for 2012, shall we?
WP Privacy: Quantcast sneaks back in
After almost a year of peace and quiet, Quantcast tracking code has returned to this blog. As reported by Brian Yang, the stupid hack that stopped the code from being included doesn’t work any more. Automattic recently switched to the new Quantcast-code, which instead of using the old-fashioned document.write now gets inserted asynchronously by a DOM-method (insertBefore). I’m looking at ways to stop this from happening or at least limit it one way or the other, but for the time being there’s no fix. Bear with me and do speak up (in the comments below of via the contact form) if you think you can help!
Follow-up Friday: Ubuntu Unity, Android security & WordPress Stats
Just a couple of small updates on previous stories to keep you posted really.
We’ll start of with Ubuntu Natty Narwhal; beta 2 has been released earlier today. I’ve downloaded a lot of updated packages over the last few days, so I guess I’m on the second beta as well. The Unity launcher now comes out of hiding perfectly and it scrolls down automatically to show items at the bottom as well. There also was a bug with the menu-items of some applications (e.g. Firefox 4) disappearing which seems fixed. Hope they can get the launcher to behave with Java apps (e.g. my favorite mindmapping application) soon.
On another note: Lookout, the Android app that allows you to locate your handset and -if you have the paying version- remotely wipe it, seems to be getting some serious competition from …. Google. Enterprises who have Google Apps for Business can now locate, encrypt and wipe their Android devices. Especially the encryption is important news, but it really should be available and configurable in the Android OS itself
To finish off with some news about WordPress Stats secretive inclusion of Quantcast behavioral tracking: it seems like WordPress Stats plugin will be replaced by Automattics Jetpack, which according to the site:
supercharges your self‑hosted WordPress site with the awesome cloud power of WordPress.com
Jetpack actually is a “super-plugin” that offers functionality from Stats, Sharedaddy, After the deadline and other previously separately available Automattic plugins. The Jetpack WordPress.com stats module does still include the Quantcast “spyware”, doesn’t disclose this feature and doesn’t provide functionality that warrants Quantcast inclusion (in spite of Matt Mullenweg claiming “We’ve been using Quantcast to get some additional information on uniques that it’s hard for us to calculate”). But there is (some) good news in the Jetpack Stats source code though, because on line 145 it reads:
‘do_not_track’ => true, // @todo
This could mean that blog-owners will one day be able to opt out of 3rd party tracking or it might be that Stats will take e.g. Firefox DNT-header into account for your blog’s visitors. Having both would off course be what I will be rooting for!
Google Analytics for the privacy aware
While the entire German blogosphere seems to have discovered the pretty unpleasant, secretive inclusion of Quantcast tracking in the “WordPress.com Stats” plugin, I found an article on the blog that broke the story in Germany, that explains how you can somewhat limit (valid) privacy-concerns with Google Analytics.
You just have to push “_gat._anonymizeIp” as an option in the _gaq object, as shown on line 5 in this code snippet:
<script type="text/javascript"> var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-xxxxxxx-x']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); _gaq.push(['_gat._anonymizeIp']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); </script>
According to the relevant Google Analytics docs page, this:
“Tells Google Analytics to anonymize the information sent by the tracker objects by removing the last octet of the IP address prior to its storage. Note that this will slightly reduce the accuracy of geographic reporting.”
Call me naive (or overly idealistic), but shouldn’t your Google Analytics implementation have this option on as well?
Quantcast spyware puts selfhosted WordPress blogs in Automattic network
A quick update about the WordPress.com Stats plugin secretive inclusion of Quantcast tracking:
- Automattic’s CEO proudly blogged about the huge leap Quantcast sees in the usage of sites in the Automattic network as from November and confirms self-hosted wordpress blogs are now considered part of Automattic’s network:
the bump you see in November is when we started tracking Polldaddy, ID, Gravatar, and WordPress.com Stats users in addition to WordPress.com visitors
- A German law-firm that seems to specialize in internet, law and privacy wrote about Automattic’s Quantcast tracking, claiming that using the Stats plugin migth put you at risk of legal action. I’m not a lawyer, but privacy laws in Germany (and Europe as a whole) are a lot stricter, so self-hosted bloggers should be careful when installing plugins that include tracking.
- My little DoNotTrack plugin got downloaded quite a few times this last month. Maybe I should iron out the quirks, make it a bit more generic and see if I can get it listed on the wordpress.org plugins repository?
Coding for the New Year
Just a quickie before diving into 2011;
- I’m having great fun with jQuery and a templating plugin called jQote2. Not getting into specifics or examples yet, but if you’re into jQuery jQote2 is well worth checking out!
- I’ve created a small plugin, DoNotTrack, to stop the Quantcast tracking that e.g. the WordPress.com Stats plugin introduces. You can download it here to give it a try. If time & my brain permit, this plugin could become a general solution to stop any unwanted tracking by other plugins on your blog.
- There’s a new version of WP YouTube Lyte with some small fixes & tested on WordPress 3.1 RC. We’re rapidly approaching 10.000 downloads, a great way to start a new year!
And this is how I feel about 2011:
Have a great New Year!
WordPress.com Stats trojan horse for Quantcast tracking
Suppose you’re a blogger who values website performance and online privacy. You may have ditched Google Analytics because you think the do-no-evilers do not have to know who is on your site. Maybe you removed AddtoAny because of the 3rd party tracking code that slows down your site ever oh so slightly. And you don’t want the omnipresent Facebook Like widget for all the above reasons. No, the only 3rd party javascript you allow is the one pushed by the WordPress.com Stats plugin; one javascript-file and one pixel and you get some nice stats in return. And come on, WordPress, those are the good guys, right?
Well, apparently not. While performing a test on for example webpagetest.org, you’ll see two requests to the quantserve.com domain;
Ouch, that hurts! But surely Quantcast aren’t in the same league as AddtoAny’s media6degrees, who do behavioral advertising based on data captured all across the web? Well … Quantcast might be better known, but they do exactly the same thing; collecting user information and providing that info for targeted advertising. And just so you know, Quantcast is one of the companies that is on trial for restoring deleted cookies using Flash (“zombie cookies”). So no, I’m not comfortable with Quantcast collecting data on my blog’s visitors.
Now I know that I opted in on user-tracking by WordPress (or rather Automattic). And I can live with them knowing who visits my blog, I can live with the small performance-impact that the stats-plugin has on my site that way. But I did not sign up for 3rd party tracking, the plugin-page conveniantly fails to mention the extra tracking, there’s no opt-out mechanism in the plugin and there’s no info to be found on how to disable Quantcast tracking users on my own blog. I am not a happy WordPress-blogger!
So Automattic; please fess up and at least provide instructions on how to disable 3rd party tracking, just like AddtoAny’s Pat gracefully did?
Update 20 january 2011; Automattic seems unwilling to acknowledge there is a problem, the thread on wordpress.org forums where this was discussed has been closed. I created a small WordPress plugin, DoNotTrack, to stop Quantcast tracking. you can download it here.