As of the soon-to-be-released Autoptimize 2.7.4, all occurrences of “blacklist” and “whitelist” in the code will be changed into “blocklist” and “allowlist”. There is no impact for users of Autoptimize, everything will work as before.
If however you are using Autoptimize’s API, there are two (to my knowledge rarely used) filters that are now deprecated and will be removed at a later stage. `autoptimize_filter_js_whitelist` and `autoptimize_filter_css_whitelist` still work in 2.7.4 but if you’re using them switch to `autoptimize_filter_js_allowlist` and `autoptimize_filter_css_allowlist` to avoid problems when they are removed in the release after 2.7.4.
Small post-publishing clarification dd. 22/07/2020: this post is just an announcement, I feel no urge to discuss the change and am not really interested in arguments pro or contra. Don’t fret over this change, fretting is useless, instead enjoy the summer, kiss your lover, read a good book, … 🙂